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Обновление RunTime Library языка программирования B++ v.1.2
[ Скачать с сервера (197.8 Kb) ] 30.01.2011, 00:38


Добавлены новий функции в системную библиотеку B++.

Перечень функций:

Declare Function MsgBox2(Prompt As String = "", Buttons As Integer = 0, Title As String = "B++ Application") As Long

Гиперболический Арктангенс, арккосинус, арксинус
Declare Function Atanh(n As Double) As Double
Declare Function Asinh(n As Double) As Double
Declare Function Acosh(n As Double) As Double

Функции работы с памятью
Declare Function MemoryCreate(Count As Long) As Long
Declare Sub MemoryFree(var As Long) 
Declare Function MemoryResize(var AS Long,Size As Long) As Long

Фуyкция форматирования по маске 
Declare Function Format(Num As Double,mask AS String="") As String

Пример : DIM A$ as String

   A$ = Format$(-1.123456789,"###.#"); 

Конвертация целого числа в двоичное представление, записанное в строку:

Declare Function Bin(Num As Long) As String


DIM RetStr$  as String

RetStr$ = Bin$(12345) ->  11000000111001 


Add new functions to system library  B++.

Declare Function MsgBox2(Prompt As String = "", Buttons As Integer = 0, Title As String = "B++ Application") As Long

Hyperbolic Arc Tangent ,sin, cos
Declare Function Atanh(n As Double) As Double
Declare Function Asinh(n As Double) As Double
Declare Function Acosh(n As Double) As Double

Function work with memory
Declare Function MemoryCreate(Count As Long) As Long
Declare Sub MemoryFree(var As Long) 
Declare Function MemoryResize(var AS Long,Size As Long) As Long

Function converted number to the string using format specified in mask
Declare Function Format(Num As Double,mask AS String="") As String

Example : DIM A$ as String

   A$ = Format$(-1.123456789,"###.#"); 

Converts an integer to a binary string:

Declare Function Bin(Num As Long) As String


DIM RetStr$  as String

RetStr$ = Bin$(12345) ->  11000000111001 

Категория: Библиотеки Basic | Добавил: santysoft
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